by Ko Gyeongju, Kim Na Yeon, Sung Hwee Young
The left graph shows the number of students who would like to do part time work and the graph on the right shows the types of work that students want to do.

     What have you decided to do for your summer vacation this year? Would you like to travel or study your major further? If you want your vacation to be more fruitful and want to make money, start a part time job. As you can see the chart below, many students want to work at a part time job. There are many kinds of part time jobs for university students. We will introduce the top 3 part time jobs: private tutor, café waiter or waitress, and theater attendant. 

Private lesson tutor

Private tutoring is one of the best popular part time jobs among university students. Private tutoring is largely divided into working in an academy and working privately. There are many jobs to do in academies such as working in the front desk, making or checking errors in teaching materials, supervising studying students and teaching students. According to each type of job, the pay ranges from 5000 won to 10000 won per hour. On the other hand, personal tutoring is different from academy tutoring because you teach one on one or tutor a group. The pay is better than academy tutoring, especially when you teach a small group. Private tutoring can earn you from 30,0000 won to 40,0000 won for 2-3 hours. Let’s look into how to get a private tutoring part time jobs. Private tutoring work is often picked up through personal connections. As a result, some people think that getting a private tutoring job is difficult; however, we can get a tutoring job through websites and advertisements. In websites such as ‘albamon’, ‘albachungook’ and ‘albain’, they have a resume form that advertises your interest in having a part time job. You have to fill it in and apply for a place that you want to work. It is easy to get work through these popular websites. Furthermore, using advertisements in universities or websites is a good way to find tutoring jobs, but you have to bear in mind that advertisers collect a commission for connecting teachers and students, usually a month pay.   

   Even though private tutoring is hard, teaching someone is meaningful for both teacher and student. Therefore, many university students prefer this job.


     A part time job in a café is one of the most popular part time jobs for university students. A lot of university students work for franchise cafés such as Starbucks, Cafebene or small private cafés. Even though many students have a romantic image of working in a café, there are lots of things that people have to do. While customers are enjoying drinking coffee, chatting with friends and reading books, the workers have to work like crazy. Café work consists of the three main parts: making coffee and desserts, taking orders, and cleaning the café. Making coffee is the most important part. As a result, most stores require a barista certificate which proves coffee making skills. However, if you don’t have the certificate, you can support baristas by providing water or milk. You can also make desserts such as cakes, cookies, and honey breads. 
To do this properly, you have to memorize recipes, which may be difficult. Taking orders is another part of the job. Cashiers always have to smile and to be kind to every customer because the cashiers are the first people who customers meet. Also, cashiers have to be accurate with the orders and money. To do this, cashiers need to learn how to use the Point of Sales terminal [POS terminal], which takes a long time to master. Cleaning is the hardest part of the job but the most important. Part time workers clean everything from the kitchen and hall to the toilet.


     Working in the theater divided into three types: Ticket Box, Sweet Bar, and Floor. If you work in the Ticket Box, you will sell movie tickets and also deal with exchanges and refunds. Also, you will provide movie information to customers. This is not hard work, but sometimes you can be confused because customers ask for difficult things. Next, Sweet Bar is to sell snacks including pop corn, beverages, and so on. To work at the Sweet Bar, you should be a fast worker. Finally, Floor is to guide showing rooms and help customers to find doors and routes. After movies finish, they clean the showing rooms. 
The average monthly pay is about \4950 per hour for the first three months because you are beginner. After three months, you can receive about \5500 per hour. Also, if you work after 10 p.m., you can receive extra benefits and transportation expenses.
There are several advantages to working at the theater. First, you can watch movies for free in that theater and you can buy snacks at a discount. Also, if you work hard, you receive movie coupons once a month. Second, if you continue working for more than a year, you can receive severance pay. Finally, you make more personal connections because there are many other workers in the same age group as you.
However, some disadvantages also exist. First, you have to work even in holidays such as Chusuk and Christmas. In addition, there are many more people during these holidays in theaters. Although the pay is better during these periods, the work is very intense. Second, most young people dislike cutting their hair, but you must cut your hair to work at the theater.

As you can see, there are many students who want part time jobs, and also there are many part time jobs available for us. In the vacation, you might often be lazy and feel bored. But if you work hard, it’s not only good for your experience but also for your pocket.